Jess Todtfeld - Speaker on Magnetic Communication, Media, Sales & Leadership                                               +1 (646) 233-1424
You Need to Be More Than Memorable
You Must BE Magnetic
Make Your Next Event MAGNETIC - Create More engagement, Influence & Sales
Some of the clients Jess has Presented to:
Jess Todtfeld
Learn More About Jess - Quick Bio Video
Use "Magnetic Communication"
to create more impact, influence, and revenue.
"Act It and Become It"  –Jess Todtfeld
What People Have to Say About Jess:
"The speech was emotionally gripping and inspiring."
"This just blew me away. This presentation was
the best I've heard in 40 years!"
"It was interactive. Plus, I went home with action items completed already!"
"Jess' speech made everyone feel great... I'm going to try the
1 Minute Dance Party!
Millennial Review
Can't wait to try what I learned.
Meeting Planner talks about takeaways she got.
"Practice Give to Give Techniques" –Jess Todtfeld
How Does Jess Customize for Every Program?
  •  Jess works in your specific pains and group goals
  •  Hands' on strategies - Leave with some action items DONE  
  •  Promo videos to help fill your event
  •  Post-Event material to build on new skills learned.
Click Availability - Book Jess for Your Next Event
Engage Your Audience,
Leave them with Powerful, Actionable Takeaways
Some Of The Clients Jess Has Presented To:
Reach out to find out more: or Call: 1 (800) 369-3421
Copyright © 2024 - Jess Todtfeld - BE Magnetic